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OCR: O evr's Windows Quick Start Kudo Catalog Reader is easy to install and easy to use. This section will enable you to install Kudo and become familiar with its most import ant features few short m inutes Once you become familiar with the basics Kudo Catalog Reader, you should then read the remaind the User Guide and then refer toit as handy reference when questions arise 1. Insert the CDROM t I that this manual carme with To install Kudo select the "Run... command from the File menu in the Wind aWs Prograrn Manager. Then type the letter at the CDROM Idrive {probably the r drive follawed by calan backslash and winstall exe For example your CDROM is in drive you would type: Awn aTi T: winsta A Mino B- Figure I. Te Run Dialog The installer progr ram will ask if you would like ta install Kudo Ca ...